Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ben Hogan's 5 Lessons iPad and Tablet app

I thought it would be a good idea to repost the news about the 5 Lessons app for the iPad and other tablets. Its so nice to have it on my iPad, I used it on the plane flight to brush up on the concept of the waggle that Hogan wrote so extensively on in the chapter about the first part of the swing. Jason Duffner demonstrates it fairly well as I watch him on tour at the Transitions Championship this week on television. As Hogan describes it a proper waggle has so many benefits for the player as he prepares to strike the ball. Its one of those things like the stance and posture that you have absolute control over when hitting a golf shot. Its simple enough and the description Hogan provides should be studied in depth and the benefits will be obvious after awhile of practice. Give it a good close read.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Five Lessons Project

This will be a blog site specific to the Five Lessons Project. As the project develops we will be adding information, photos, videos on the development and production of the dvd, website, and related projects. We should be linking back to our home site, www.TheBenHogan